Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Did I just lose my relationships?  Like Ellen, in a way?  I mean, I was the 1 being attacked, and the person wouldn't stop when I got upset, like I don't matter, and I didn't mean it nor believe what was said, apparently won't do it again after something like that, freaky, don't like it, think it's wrong.  You all are treating me like a brat and prattling at me like other people I've seen who won't shut up and do or say what they're supposed to.  Ya'll are always at my tail like this.  You think I'm in the program!  HA, not before Tim Burton's influence.  At least Johnny Depp has an okay daughter.  You can't come up to me like burning Hell every time you see me.  They think they need to confront me even when I walk in the "G** dang" room!