My dad is afraid of what I'll think because of getting upset but not outwardly. I don't really like thinking of the word ****, I don't use it in real life.. but it came up, and I was upset @ my dad. I don't know what's gonna happen to me. I just was upset, maybe seemed tacky and messy-looking, that we were like putting me in sessions all the time of being punished. You know, that Nell Burton issue, it doesn't matter. Why don't you talk @ it until you're happy cuz I don't care. It's not my fault.
I just don't want anything because of her, and I don't wanna juggle things in my body that feel amiss. I really didn't do anything to deserve this, this constant rubbing in of stuff. Blame Tim Burton, see how he likes it. Can you argue that? What happened to my life cuz of his cursing orders with Johnny Depp to hurt nice people to get it out? They don't even know what they're doing! So, please don't be too upset @ me. Maybe, it wasn't meant to be, that's fine..